Today, we trekked down the mountain to Landrum, South Carolina to see the Quilt Show put on by the Landrum Quilt Guild. Several years ago, I presented my Trunk Show there and they were a great group of women, asking a lot of interesting questions and just generally making me feel welcomed.
One thing I noticed about their show today was that there were far more pieced quilts than appliquéd ones. I don't know if that means anything--it's just what I noticed. Also, they don't award ribbons per se. When you enter, you are given a ballot and are supposed to vote for the one you like best in every category and I guess the winners are announced later. (I'll have to admit that I didn't read up on that aspect ). My husband and I sort of felt overwhelmed by the process and chose not to fill out the ballot but we saw some that we really liked.
This was probably my favorite quilt of the entire show. A very small thread-painted piece and so beautiful.
We were impressed by both the bird and the background quilting in this wallhanging. It had a really great use of quilting patterns to enhance the feeling of flight.
On the above quilt we liked the intensity of color and we absolutely LOVED this clock. When I was a potter, I used to make clocks all the time and I have made one in fabric--but nothing like this! I made me happy just to look at it. I'm thinking there may be a sun-quilt in my future . . .
So, no, I didn't choose any pieced quilts as my favorites from the show. There were some very nice ones there but I think that because there were so many --in comparison to the appliqué--it was just more difficult for any to stand out. Or maybe I just lean towards the appliqué because that's mostly what I do. I guess it's something to ponder.
All in all, it was a nice show and the quilters who were on duty while I was there were super nice and friendly. A great combination which resulted in a great experience!
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